Friday, October 5, 2012

Question of the Day

What are your weekend plans?


  1. It is the South Carolina Blues festival this weekend so we'll be listening to some blues around town!

  2. My weekend started yesterday when I left work four hours early. I designed a new home in The Sims 3. I slept in. I'll likely OD on auto racing this weekend.

  3. Only thing I have planned is re-writing my Amateur Radio License presentation.

    Too much extraneous info in the first revision. Want to get more technical in the next one.

  4. I'm going to the Oregon Coast at 4pm today, for the weekend. A friend has a house right on the beach.

  5. I am now officially on vacation (having left work an hour early). I need to get the truck serviced, tomorrow is Gay Days at Disneyland, and the other days will be chores, yard work, etc. Thrilling start to a vacation, eh?
