Saturday, October 20, 2012

Question of the Day?

What was your first job?


  1. For three years (and full-time each summer), I was the laundry boy in a smallish hospital. The job involved collecting, weighing and washing around five tons dry weight per day of pissy, pukey, bloody, shitty laundry... and lots that was fairly clean.

    I absolutely LOVED working in the hospital for it's positive social climate. I was a cute, slim, blonde hard-working young man and was treated exceptionally by everyone, nurses, cleaning ladies and doctors.

    I didn't dwell on the unpleasant part of the job but did it as efficiently as possible. I was earning nearly triple the minimum wage earned by my burger-flipping friends, so the job paid my way through university as well.

  2. Paper boy.
    Then fast food hell at burger King.
    Oy! That was probably the last time I had fast food.

  3. I mowed lawns, delivered newspapers but my first "real" job was at McDonald's. It was a true leaning experience and they had such a well developed training/development plan 30 years ago. I see companies that still haven't got a clue and I even after college and grad school, my time at McDonald's continue's to serve me very well.

  4. McDonalds - I was known as the King of the Fries Station.

  5. I, too, mowed lawns and cleaned pools. But the "real" first job was for a fabric store as a stock boy. I took the shipments and stocked the store, did the cleaning, and eventually became a sales person/cutter. Believe it or not, it was a fun job. I only worked it for about 6 months during my senior year of high school...I quit because of senior activities that would interfere.

  6. I played piano for a small country church. And I sold freeze pops and ice cream sandwiches during the summertime. But my first real job was McDonald's. I hated working drive-thru (small talk and all that jazz) but I was a beast on the fry station.

    I eventually after about a year because my hours had dwindled to nothing.

  7. I delivered newspapers and I consider that my first "real" job since I made enough money to file a tax return.

  8. I worked at McDonalds while I was in college. I hated that fucking job.

  9. First real job was at Walmart. I worked as a sales rep in the electronic department...hated it
