Saturday, October 27, 2012

Question of the Day: Scary Edition

What still scares you from your childhood?


  1. Waking up at night sure that someone or something is standing over me in the dark. Having cats does not help with this. :)

  2. The Wicked Witch of the West from Oz.

  3. Coming home to a dark house. I try to remember to leave a light on before I leave.

  4. you got it in one boo - the monster under the bed **shudder**

  5. Waking up in the depths of the night, alone in the house, and hearing an odd noise. Suddenly I'm 8, hating being left alone at night.

  6. Nothing to be honest. I was never a scaredy kid to begin with.

    Oh I did love my religiously motivated horror like the Omen, Exorcist, Carrie, etc. Those were good wholesome fun!

  7. As a kid, I used to keep my bed in a corner to give monsters less options, from underneath or the closet, but having two cats has cured me. There's always something lurking in the dark, usually tickling me with its mustache at some odd hour, or licking the tips of my fingers or my toes... also at some odd hours. I no longer fear the dark!!!

  8. That's easy. Knowing my father was going to beat me after my mother went to work every time they argued.

  9. Clowns. I found them eerie as a kid and still do. That Killer Clowns from Outer Space didn't help.
    @daij: sorry you went through that. My father was no angel either.

  10. Waking up in or coming alone to a dark house still puts me a bit on edge. I guess it comes from being a latchkey kid.
