Sunday, October 28, 2012

One in Five LGBT Americans Are Conservative

In a new Gallup poll, we learn something about our conservative fam... 1 in 5 claim to be repubs.

Here are the results:
While 45% of LGBT individuals describe their political views as liberal or very liberal, one in five (20%) describe themselves as conservative or very conservative. Among non-LGBT Americans, 23% say they are liberal, and two in five (39%) say they are conservative. LGBT and non-LGBT individuals are almost equally likely to think of themselves as moderate (35% and 38%, respectively).

Interesting... Makes me wonder how many closeted GOP we really have.


  1. It is very interesting and a little surprising in fact. Occasionally, I'll see a comment from a gay/repub on Huffingtonpost, but I never thought that their numbers were that high. Guess I'll put them in the same category as any woman that would vote for Romney. I just don't get it!

  2. No surprise, how many of them aren't people of color. That is the true question at the heart of the matter. Most LGBTs of color aren't down for the GOP's foolishness, so I would like to see a demographic breakdown.

  3. I agree with Kayman... I hate to throw race into the picture, but most, if not ALL of the affluent white gays I know are Republican or Conservative and feel that protecting their investments outweighs their hopes for equality. Plainly put, they just don't give a shit because they've never suffered in the general way that most LGBT people of color have.
