Thursday, October 18, 2012

New Gallup Poll: People of Color More Likely to Identify as LGBT

Do you, personally, identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender? June 1-Sept. 30, 2012, results

Interesting news this morning.

A new Gallup Poll revealed some interesting pieces in their latest survey. More people of color are identifying as LGBT.

Here's the scoop:
Nonwhites are more likely than white segments of the U.S. population to identify as LGBT. The survey results show that 4.6% of African-Americans identify as LGBT, along with 4.0% of Hispanics and 4.3% of Asians. The disproportionately higher representation of LGBT status among nonwhite population segments corresponds to the slightly below-average 3.2% of white Americans who identified as LGBT.
 Interesting... Also 3.4% of the US population identify as LGBT. We're growing, people.

Read the whole Sh-Bang here

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