Friday, October 19, 2012

My Reaction/Review of Paranormal Activity 4

After 4 movies, 4 MOVIES, we still don't have a coherent story.

Paranormal Activity 4 continues the same formula without bringing the complete story together. In the film, 5 years has past since the first one. The baby that was kidnapped in the 2nd movie, is now adopted in another family and Katie (demon girl from the 1st film) returns to take him home to the coven of demon women.

This could have been good; the characters were engaging and theme was there, but once again the story barely moves forward. After 4 films, we should know a lot of things... But we don't.

Here are my issues/review/questions

  • In the film, we learn about the Coven using an innocent boy to host a demon. Okay, well, if that's the case why did they just use Hunter as a baby from the 2nd film?
  • And what is this Coven? What do they want and why haven't they completed their goal.
  • Katie's family has been in this witchy mess for years, but what is their story?
  • Why are the girls made into demons? It just doesn't make sense, if they spent all this time on the girls when they really needed a boy.
  • There are no urban legends about Katie's disappearance or family? That's odd, because it could've set up the story better.
  • And what about the survivors of the other films, should they be a part of this broken story?
  • The actors are great, but the story goes nowhere. At this point in the series, I should be seeing Satan or Lilith.
  • What is the goal of these films? That's what bothering me. Where are we going with these stories?
  • The use of witchcraft and the occult this film is lazy. Kick it up 4 notches!
  • If you watch all 4 movies, you will see how the overall story doesn't gel at all. It's like claiming Rocky and Rambo are in the same story line.
  • Going back to Hunter, he was adopted into another family... HOW? And why? If the Coven wanted him, they already had him. Why put him with another family? 
  • And who the f%&k is Toby?
I don't recommend this film. It is clearly made to get your money. I wish they would try to tell a story, because if that was the goal, this series could have been epic.


  1. Honestly, I don't think any of these movies were written with the intention of doing any sequels. They all seem like they were badly written in a haste to capitalize on the prior's successes.

  2. Not the perfect horrors film, by any means, and probably not even the best movie out of the whole series, but if you want to get scared and a little creeped out, then this is probably a nice ticket for you to buy. That’s how I look at it anyway. Nice review.
