Sunday, October 14, 2012

More People are leaving Organized Religion - VIDEO


  1. 30+ years ago I made the startling realization that Catholicism and every other religion was for the most part based on pure bullshit.

    And then as life moved on I noticed that if the God of the Bible was such a 'loving' God, why did such a creature let such horrid things happen to people? That's when I realized the options:

    1) Either there is a god who is impotent or incompetent

    2) That the god apathetic to the suffering of his creation.


    3) That there was no god, that man over time has created hundreds of gods and then cast them off.

    Guess which option made more sense.

    Yes, the third. So if there is no God, there is no Devil, no Heaven, no Hell.

    You get this one life. When you die it's all over. There is no afterlife.

    So get it right here on Earth.

  2. *kanye shrug* I've said for a while now spirituality is where it is at because at the end of the day you don't have to organized with anyone. You pray, meditate, or whatever to calm your spirit and being.
