Friday, October 19, 2012

Mark Millar gives us Time Travel and Sentinels in the next X-Men Movie

Mark Millar has been brought in to push Fox's Marvel properties over the edge. Meaning, they are trying to reach Avengers status. Hopefully by making the Fox stuff Whedon-ish, Mark is going to turn X-Men: Days Of Future Past into big deal.

How? Well, by throwing some big elements in the film. In SFX magazine, he talks about what to look for:
"It's X-Men meets The Terminator," he continued.

"You've got robots, you've got time travel, you've got superheroes - it's got everything in one film."
So we will see the Sentinels, a war-torn future, Cable maybe? and a possible clean up the X-Men films.

I'm very curious to see how this will come along

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