Friday, October 19, 2012

Arizona Daily Wildcat publishes a Homophobic Cartoon

I expect this from ASU, but U of A?

University of Arizona's student newspaper, Arizona Daily Wildcat, published this mess the other day.

Since then, folks are pissed and calling for the cartoonist, editor in chief, and copy editor to be fired.

The cartoonist, D.C. Parsons apologized for this mess.
My name is D.C. Parsons, and I would like to formally apologize to anyone who I may have offended in my comic “etc.” on Tuesday. The comic was not intended to offend. The desired end means of my work is solely humorous. 
It was based on an experience from my childhood. My father is a devout conservative from a previous generation, and I believe he was simply distraught from the fact that I had learned (from “The Simpsons”) what homosexuality was at such a young age. 
I have always used humor as a coping mechanism, much like society does when addressing social taboos. I do not condone these things; I simply don’t ignore them. I do sincerely apologize and sympathize with anyone who may be offended by my comics (I am often similarly offended by “Ralph and Chuck”), but keep in mind it is only a joke, and what’s worse than a joke is a society that selectively ignores its problems.
Sorry, not good enough. I think D.C. should be fired. Anybody who's anybody knows this stuff is offensive. And what's funny to you ain't the same with others.

So hopefully, he will learn from this.

1 comment:

  1. It's funny to talk about killing people!
    Especially the queer ones!
