Sunday, October 28, 2012

Ann Coulter: Maybe It’s Time To Go After Obama’s Children


  1. She's crazy and says whatever she has to in order to keep getting booked on tv. I even think she laughs at herself for being so ridiculous. Like she can't believe the character she became.

  2. Ann Coulter is the ugly girl we all knew in high school who realized that if she started giving blowjobs, she could get attention for the boys. During her career, she has escalated the level of her rhetoric to keep that attention. It probably means more to her than the money she makes.
    What I wonder is why no one from Anonymous has hacked into her personal files, and dug up some dirt. Some time in her past when she took some kind of government subsidized aid or loan, some time when she banged a groupie at a GOP convention, someone she bought some Tina off of so she could be so skinny... something.

  3. I am so glad I have naturally amber skin & dark eyes; and it really is a pity that I would ever have to type these words....

    (it is very hard to comment here with your settings).

  4. I am so glad I have naturally amber skin & dark eyes; and it really is a pity that I would ever have to type these words....

    (it is very hard to comment here with your settings).
