Wednesday, September 12, 2012

WATCH how Mitt Romney makes a Fool of himself over the Libya Attack

This is a Hot Ass Mess

Other Republicans were shocked and pissed about this. Buzzfeed has some statements:
"They were just trying to score a cheap news cycle hit based on the embassy statement and now it’s just completely blown up," said a very senior Republican foreign policy hand, who called the statement an "utter disaster" and a "Lehman moment" — a parallel to the moment when John McCain, amid the 2008 financial crisis, failed to come across as a steady leader.

"It's bad," said a former aide to Senator John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign. "Just on a factual level that the statement was not a response but preceding, or one could make the case precipitating. And just calling it a 'disgrace' doesn't really cut it. Not ready for prime time."

A third Republican, a former Bush State Department official, told BuzzFeed, "It wasn't presidential of Romney to go political immediately — a tragedy of this magnitude should be something the nation collectively grieves before politics enters the conversation."
Mittens are you trying to run for President?


  1. He's running.....his campaign into the ground.

  2. The only good thing about this is that it proves how wrong it would for him to be president. Obama just won all the undecided.

    Almost make Palin look good.

  3. Americans forget too quick, come November they will be bitching over who is coming over for Thanksgiving.
    Then too, i wonder if that coma he was in played a part in this?????

  4. Never underestimate the stupidity of the American voter.
