Sunday, September 9, 2012

Pro-Romney Attack Ad Exposed

Y'all seen this ridic ad, right?

It's a hot ass mess and the guy behind it is worse. Think Progress exposed the person who's funding this trash.
The bulk of the funding for a pro-Romney super PAC tied to former Family Research Council president Gary Bauer has come from one company: Corporate Land Management, Inc., according to a Center for Responsive Politics report. Corporate records show that that company’s sole officer is Tim Horner, head of the Premier Designs jewelry company. The super PAC recently began running an ad attacking President Barack Obama on the issue of marriage equality.
Mess! Pure. Hot. Rich Ass. Mess!

1 comment:

  1. These people are so full of hate that I feel nothing but pity for them. They are using their bigotry against gays as a smoke-screen for their racial bias.
