Sunday, September 16, 2012

My list of the Top 10 Horrible Moviegoers

Going to the movies can be a horrific experience, especially dealing when you are surrounded by fools. People asked why do I go to the most expensive theater in LA.

My answer... To get away from these top 10 horrible moviegoers:
  1. The Question person - they always ask 'Why did she do that" or "Why did they go in there", like we know what's going to happen.
  2. The Texter - These folks really think they are so important to text during the movie. One time, I actually snatched the phone from someone's hands. After that, they knew I wasn't playing.
  3. The Roamer - They roam from theater to theater to see different pieces of the movies. It just looks silly and it's annoying.
  4. The Feet Propper - They always prop their dirty ass feet on the empty seat next to you. I hate them.
  5. Phone Checker - They always check their phone during the movie. I'm sorry, but unless you are a star or a doctor. Keep the phone off!
  6. The Giggler - They laugh at every gott-damned thing, even at the death scenes!
  7. The Talker- They talk to the screen as if they're at home alone.
  8. The Diners- Usually it's a family that brings in KFC or some fast food into the theater and pass out plates like it a TV dinner or something.
  9. The Kid-Bringer - These people think bringing kids to a R-rated films is appropriate.
  10. The Singer - They tend to sing every song in the film.


  1. Ten reasons why I wait for movies to appear on OnDemand or some of the "free" cable channels like EPIX.

    BTW last year's Conan The Barbarian is on EPIX HD this afternoon. I've got my DVR set!

  2. Oh Wow!! I have never seen the Diner's before. I would trip on that!!Passing out plates, goodness!! LOL!!!

    There are some movies that I want to be immersive to the point that I have just as much an experience with the audience as I do the movie. For that I tend to go to the dollar theatre and enjoy listening to people react and talk to the screen. but only for certain types of movies. Otherwise I'm all about "Shettup!!!!"

  3. I'll admit I do provide color commentary, at least for horror movies. But only in whispers to the BF.

  4. all the reasons why I don't go to movie theaters anymore.
