Monday, September 3, 2012

My Class Reunion Recap

Classmates: Davida, Me and Trese in our old hangout spot from HS

 Thanks to FB, I know we have Dr.s, lawyers, brokers, scientists, teachers, nurses, artists, seamstresses, farmers, bankers, mothers, soldiers and the list goes on....not bad for a class of around 150 that the administration said would never amount to anything and did everything it could along the way to remind us. Looks like we are having the last laugh. I am feeling a night filled with cheap beer and some Round Up. - Amanda Emmons Persons, Class of '92
My Class Reunion was a blast! I really enjoyed the craziness, the madness, the drunkenness (not me) of the entire weekend.

Let me break in down in bullet point style:
  • Our class was always full of life.
  • Towback was the theme for our reunion.
  • The real hot guys wasn't able to make it this reunion.
  • Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake, Cake, is forever stuck in my head.
  • Everyone was happy to see each other.
  • Most folks stayed in the surrounding states, my friend Davida and I were the only ones that live way out. I traveled the furthest. 
  • Not to boost my ego, but I was one of highly anticipated classmates. I was kinda uncomfortable with the attention, I didn't like talking about myself too much (yes, this is true, bitches)
  • The women looked great.
  • The guys actually brought moonshine to our reunion.
  • It felt good to be missed by old friends.
  • I had more alcohol this weekend than I normally have all year.
  • Many of us are successful in many different ways.
  • Several classmates are going through divorce.
  • There are 3 of us who are gay and 1 known bisexual.


  1. I'm glad you had a great time.

  2. you and you clssmates are holding up well. Glad you had a good time.

  3. I'm happy that you had a good time.

  4. Looking good, and sounds like a good time was had by all, moonshine or no moonshine...

  5. Great photo! See, you can go home again. Glad you had fun.

  6. Glad you had fun, Mr. Celebrity :o)

  7. Like the comments from the last two posters, glad you had a good time.
