Saturday, September 15, 2012

Bryan Fischer is pissed about Mitt Romney's 'Lackluster Campaign'

Hate Leader, Bryan Fischer was full of opinions yesterday at the Values Voter Summit. He voiced his disappointment in the Romney campaign and just... Well, read the quotes for yourself.
“Mitt Romney right now should be leading by 10 or 15 points and the fact that he’s not is Mitt Romney’s problem. It’s because he’s running such a lackluster campaign that has been so vague on ideas. What plan is he offering the American people?”

“The biggest mistake is they put a bag over Paul Ryan’s head. That’s the biggest mistake they made -- they put a sock in Paul Ryan’s mouth. When he came on board there was tremendous energy from the grassroots. It was the Ryan-Romney ticket. If it was still the Romney-Ryan ticket -- if he was still given the opportunity to be Paul Ryan -- I think they would be a hit.”

“I was deeply disappointed today that Paul Ryan did not say one single solitary word
about marriage. That disturbs me a lot. This is the safest place in America to talk about the institution of marriage, and he didn’t do it. If they won’t send a solid clear unambiguous message on social issues how do they expect to engage the pro-family community?”

“If Barack Obama wins this election, the Republican Party as we know it is finished. It is dead, it is toast, you can stick a fork in it.”
This is getting juicy! I love when these fools turn on each other.


1 comment:

Bob said...

As JMG says, "Infighting is fun!"

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.