Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Alveda King adds her Useless Two Cents about Michelle Obama's Speech

This heifer right here had to add her stankin' two cents about the First Lady's speech.

Here a piece of it:
What the First Lady didn't mention is the high number of jobless families, and the astronomical debt her husband has run up in the name of entitlement during his tenure. This debt will fall on the backs of our children, at least those who don't end up contracepted or aborted or not conceived in the first place. 
However, after saying all of this, we can admit that both Mrs. Romney and Mrs. Obama have delivered stunning and memorable speeches in support and defense of their husbands. Women can be proud that two intelligent women are at the forefront of this year's elections. 
Women should also be very wary of an agenda that is very harmful to the female and family populations of America, which is the agenda that Mrs. Michelle Obama, the First Lady of America is promoting. The current administration supports programs and initiatives such as homosexual marriage and the HHS Mandate which delivers harmful chemical and medical procedures that are linked to strokes, heart attacks, breast cancer and a host of other ills that are harmful to the lives of babies and women.
Child Cheese, Alveda needs to have a seat and stop trying have a spotlight. She ain't doing anyone any favors.



  1. That bitch got some nerve. She is always prove how ignorant she really is. She needs to take her fat, bright ass have a seat with the quickness. She isn't even one of Dr. King's children, she is his niece, not daughter, so she needs to stop trying to pimp her uncle's family name hoping that those idiots with the Republican party will pay her any attention.

  2. There always has to be one in the bunch. Sit down,Velveeta...oops, I mean Alveda.

  3. Isn't this the lady who denounces the glbt movement, claiming gays have hijacked the black civil rights movement? Having her denounce the black first lady rips away the cred granted her by being related to Martin Luther King Jr. Excellent!

    Did you see that recent poll that pegs Romney's African American support at 0%? Alveeda King's company in the AfAm community is so infinitesimal that it doesn't even check in at enough to round to one percent.
