Monday, September 24, 2012

A Brief Look at the National Strategy For Black Gay Youth In America: 2nd Quarter Report

Here is quick look at the results for the second part of the National Strategy For Black Gay Youth In America.

Here are some important pieces (this is not the full report):
10.8% were not sure of their HIV status, 8.4% were HIV positive, 80.8% were HIV negative

Black LGBT youth nationally considered these to be the Top Barriers They Face – which THEY felt were directly related to their sexuality: (multiple choice)

Bullying 55.1%
Mental Abuse 48.6%
Unemployment 20.8%

Do you believe that “coming out” would cause your family/friends to disown you?

Yes 54.1%
No 34.8%

Have you ever thought about or considered suicide because of issues surrounding your sexuality?

Yes 41.3%
No 58.7%
More after the jump

This is the part of the survey where youth were able to speak their mind. Youth were asked what three things would make their life easier as a black LGBT youth in America? Answers were similar to the first quarter across the board with Acceptance being the most important to them. The least important item remained marriage equality. Below are some responses from youth that we wish to highlight:

“for insecure men to stop being bashing gay men..for the church to stop judging…for people to stop killing gays…”

“If media outlets wouldnt always portray young black gays as fem or extra”

“If gays themselves could get along instead of being so conflicting with each other.”

“ if young gays would at least have some respect for the way they look”

“1. Housing 2. Healthcare 3. Employment”

“Equality, respect for who I am and what I do – not who I love, and the banishment of the idea that a gay man cannot possibly be masculine or moral. The world could use a change from such a spell of ignorance.”

“Better role models and a safe haven that doesn’t close down every other month. Resourcefulness should be a team effort.”


  1. Information that is important for us all. As a community, we need to use this data to determine how we can offer support services.

  2. Labels are not good at all. Aren't gays people?
