Monday, August 6, 2012

WND Writer Colin Flaherty claims Black on Gay violence

Colin Flaherty claims there is this growing violence between Blacks and gays. In his latest post in WND, Colin incorrect info to back his point.
Sometimes the homophobia is just talk. Black people voted overwhelmingly against “gay” rights initiatives in California and North Carolina. “Gay” writer Dan Savage belled the cat: “I’m done pretending that the handful of racist gay white men out there … are a bigger problem for African Americans, gay and straight, than the huge numbers of homophobic African Americans are for gay Americans, whatever their color.”
Convoluted? Yes. But in the hyper-sensitive environs of the politically correct, this was a shot heard round the world.
Black antipathy toward “gay” people is featured in the work of the most popular black hip hop performers. Comments from superstar 50 Cent represent hundreds of articles and videos old and new easily found on the Internet: “I ain’t into f——. I don’t like gay people around me, because I’m not comfortable with what their thoughts are.”
Well, Dan Savage's foolish statement has been debunked and 50 Cent has changed his tune. But Colin continues his weak claims using the Brandon White attack as mob violence ( it wasn't a mob) and other random incidents across the country.

Sorry Colin, but this is not a major secret issue. If we're going to play this game, then he should report on the number of White men causing major killing sprees in America. I mean, if he's going extreme, why not add White men into the mix.

I shouldn't expect anything less from WND, but this article actually caught my attention.

I guess Colin did his job.

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