Friday, August 17, 2012

WATCH My Top 5 Hateful/Anti-Gay Quotes from FRC's leader Tony Perkins

As Tony plays the victim in the FRC shooting incident, I just wanted to remind folks about the "lovely" things he has said about our community

See my picks after the jump

We are pawns of the Devil

We are empty inside and never happy

We are harmful to society

His kids will never be gay, because he teaching them the right way (whatever that means)

Blamed the Secret Service scandal (a heterosexual issue) on gays


  1. The sick and sad part is that in Perkins mind, these statements are not hateful and derogatory, they are based on truths and supported by his God.

    Oh, and he is looking out for the soul of America. Only in his America he only pays attention to the under God part, and not the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness part.

  2. Don't judge me because my sin is different than yours.
    The guy that shot the gun should get some time for missing this prick.
