Thursday, August 9, 2012

Romney's Spokesperson admits Romneycare is Obamacare

This is delicious... please watch as Romney Spokesperson, Andrea Saul, makes a huge gaffe

Yes, Ms Girl just said that Romneycare is Obamacare! And the conservatives are falling on the floors.

Look at Ann Coulter's response

Again, delicious.


  1. I'm not surprised that Romney has such a moronic spokesperson.

    Birds of a feather....

  2. Nothing like giving credit where credit is due! Classic! :)

  3. Oh you are having a good Thursday.

    You know the Republicans have not disappointed in sending some funny characters into the public arena these past two elections.

    I am curious to see who Romney will pick for VP. I am sure we'll have some real good laughs then.

  4. Thought this was hilarious. Romney need not pay her to make those comments. He can get that type of support for free from me!

    I'm amazed at the number of gaffes his campaign has had since the primary season concluded.

    When he ran for US Senate and later for Governor here in MA he was a savvy campaigner. I hope he continues to put his foot in his mouth or in this instance has his spokespeople do it for him.
