Friday, August 3, 2012

Romney Supporting SuperPAC says President Obama is Racist against White People

Foolishness Alert! Some superPAC called, is bring messy race stuff in the mix. According to them Obama hates White people (even though he's half White). This is from their site:
Our ad (see below) is here for the media and the public to view. We are the only SuperPAC that will clearly connect the dots to explain the one political vulnerability of President Obama that no one else has the stomach to bring up, and the one issue where President Obama has thus far received a free pass: his disturbing, yet crystal-clear pattern of tacitly defending black racism against white folks before and since being elected president. ​​The Obama administration and their surrogates (not the Republicans) have injected race into the presidential campaign.
Mess! And the leader of this malarkey is as messy as a toddler's pamper. ThinkProgress has the goods on this joker.’s founder and treasurer is Stephen Marks, a well-known Republican opposition researcher whose 2008 book detailed his work in what he called "the dark side of politics", he launched an attack ad under the misleading name “Americans Against Hate,” attempting to tie Al Gore to controversial comments by Rev. Al Sharpton. And attempted to link John Kerry to convicted murderer Willie Horton. He was forced to retract a claim in the book about then-Rep. John Shadegg (R-AZ), acknowledging that “the information was not accurate.”
Here's their 'Swift Boat' ad they have created

These cretins are really try to bring it.


  1. Apparently, there is nothing scarier to a bunch of white Repubs than a smart man of color. The need to keep black men from speaking, and gays from living, and all women having control of their bodies must keep some of these crackers up at night.

  2. President Obama is the least bigoted president this nation has ever elected. His record on inclusion stands for itself. Interesting that Mitts cronies all appear to be of one type. Who's racist now?
