Monday, August 20, 2012

Is the “Dignity And Respect” Language in the GOP Platform a Nod to Us?

Earlier today, a subcommittee of the RNC's platform-drafting committee presented this language:
"We embrace the principle that all Americans have the right to be treated with dignity and respect."
Some are saying it's a nod to gay folks, I think it's a cheap shot. The National Stonewall Democrats Executive Director, Jerame Davis, is not impressed.

In a press release, he states:
"The idea that this generic bit of meaningless rhetoric is movement by the GOP toward a more inclusive and pro-equality footing is preposterous. For decades, the Republican platform has included anti-LGBT language that, at various times, has opposed adoption rights, marriage equality, and the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

"What's even more ridiculous is the idea that this language is something new. The Republican Party platform has included similar language since at least 1996. This is just a rewording of a generic principle that few Republicans would construe to include LGBT equality. While the GOP gives lip service to the principle of dignity and respect for all, the reality of that ideal clearly escapes them.

"The real message to read in this is that the GOP's cognitive dissonance continues unabated and the apologists at Log Cabin Republicans are still selling snake oil and calling it progress."
Strong words... What do y'all think?

1 comment:

  1. I don't believe anything the GOP says. As a political organization, they tend to think of themselves as above the law. They're notorius for saying one thing and then turning around and doing whatever they damn well please.
