Saturday, August 11, 2012

Interesting Quote: Paul Ryal

“I believe that marriage should remain between a man and a woman, and I have heard from many of the people I represent who are concerned about activist judges abusing their power and rewriting our society’s definition of marriage. I had hoped that this amendment wouldn’t be necessary, but increasingly it appears that laws such as the Defense of Marriage Act will not be sufficient to protect marriage from certain courts that distort state and federal constitutional law. Marriage is not simply a legal arrangement between individuals. The institution of marriage is an integral part of our civil society and its significance goes well beyond eligibility for benefits and similar considerations. Its future should not be left to a few overreaching judges or local officials to decide. That’s why I support this effort to amend our Constitution to protect marriage.”


  1. Great pick! Eddie Munster for Veep!

  2. Birds of a feather flock together.

  3. Well now, that's just a whole bunch of bullshit... He bows to Social Conservatives because he knows they'll support his insane fiscal policies if he does.

  4. Well now, that's just a whole bunch of bullshit... He bows to Social Conservatives because he knows they'll support his insane fiscal policies if he does.
