Monday, August 13, 2012

In Michigan: Man uses the Bible to Threaten a Woman with Rape

This is a complete disgusting and horrid incident here.

In this clip, a man from the Black Hebrew Israelites, uses the Bible to threaten a woman with rape and possible murder during a Gay Day event.


Raw Story has some of the dialogue from the incident:
“Back in the day there was no free power, there was no going to the mall,” one protester tells the woman. “There was, ‘sit your ass in this house until I bring my ass home.’”

“And if your ass get to going out there like you said, guess what?” a second protester adds. “You get raped. And that’s what’s going to happen to you. … Keep your pussy clean, that’s all you need to do. Do you understand?”

After one man claims, “the Lord said that,” the woman challenges him to find the corresponding Bible verse.

He responds with Isaiah 13: “Their children also shall be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses shall be spoiled, and their wives ravished.”

“What does ‘ravished’ mean? It means, we going to rape your ass,” the protester explains. “And I’m going to have fun doing that shit. And you going to like that. I promise you.”

After briefly arguing that he is misinterpreting the Bible, the woman observes, “Anything I say, you say it doesn’t matter.”

“It’s going to matter right now,” the man shoots back. “It’s going to matter when your clothes off and I’m going inside of you repeatedly. That’s when it’s going to matter. Because you going to enjoy yourself.”
Really? This group is totally ridic for even existing. I hope the cops find these fools.

Thank you,  RoCkii for the info.


  1. I find it funny that back in the day some of the things said here were said back then to black women. Does Karma have a time?

  2. These fools have been around in NYC for decades.

    Several years back a friend of mine had the horrific experience of seeing her husband join this group and following their doctrine.

    He was unemployed, limited education and insecure. He was ripe for the taking by this group.

    The really sad part is he relied on her to take care of him in everyway.

    She got rid of him not long after. All I can say is she was young and didn't size him up properly, because she had love in her eyes.

    She aint doing that again.

    Anyway, this group is a joke and they, like many other groups, twist their interpretation of the Bible to meet their immature, racist, homophovic and misogynistic views.

  3. God's mercy!!!!

    What in the hell is wrong with those people?!?
