Wednesday, August 8, 2012

In Illinois: A Hate Group wants Parents to Pull Kids from Classrooms with LGBT-Supportive Teachers

A hate group called the Illinois Family Institute are asking parents to pull their kids out of a class with gay teachers or LGBT supportive teachers.

I guess they are afraid that the gayness will possess their children.

Here's more:
In a document titled "Challenge Teachers, Not Books," the group encourages parents to "object to teachers rather than texts," offering suggestions for parents who are "fed up with the subtle and not so subtle messages that activist teachers of a liberal bent work into their classroom teaching through their classroom comments, curricular materials... and even their desks and classroom displays." From the document:

If parents have children who have already gone through the school or have already completed a year or more, they should ask those children and/or their friends or friends' parents which teachers are known for bringing their politics into the classroom or who displays a "Safe Space" sticker, the inverted pink triangle, the rainbow flag, or the lower case Greek letter "lambda" on their desk, classroom door, or wall. Students usually know who the liberal, activist teachers are. Liberal teachers develop reputations, often as the "cool" teachers.

Then parents should call or email the appropriate department chair and/or their child's counselor, and politely insist on a schedule change, explaining that they will not permit their child to be in the classroom or under the tutelage of any teacher who has made their liberal politics known in school.
Silly fools. When these kids go to college, they exposed to so much more. This is a wasted effort and I hope the school districts block this mess out.


1 comment:

  1. It is becoming obvious that all of it is rooted in anti-gay animus.

    They don't want kids to know that being LGBT is part of the normal spectrum.
