Sunday, August 5, 2012

Antoine Dodson says Gays are being the Bullies

Antoine! Goddammit! This misguided man went on some right-wing radio show to talk about being bullied over eating at CFA.

I don't know why he went on a show that basically hates him, but who knows. This is what was said on the Birmingham, Ala. radio station 100 WAPI’s “The Matt Murphy Show”:
 A lot of people from the gay community was actually telling me not to eat at Chick-fil-A and then you know, I started having these flashback because I started believing like, the gay community — we have went from being bullied to becoming bullies,” he said. “And I don’t think that that is fair because I’m like, aren’t we like in America, like we have freedom of speech. We have the freedom to put our money wherever we want to. That’s what America stands on. So how can we just go after this group, you know — go after this company so viciously because they don’t believe they have the same rights as us. I don’t think it’s fair and I’d don’t think it’s American.”

Dodson said that by staging such a protest, gays were feeding stereotypes about the gay community and pushing some people away.
Dodson, who participated in the Chick-fil-A appreciation day, criticized the whole premise of the Chick-fil-A boycott and said that the boycott was doing little to champion the gay community’s cause.

“Just like the boycott, I think it’s tacky because you don’t have to go to Chick-fil-A and kiss on every person you see, that’s a man if you’re a man, just to try and get a point across,” he said. “You can go about it in a completely different angle. I just think it is getting really, really ridiculous.”
Antoine is wrong about the purpose of the battle. The purpose was to call out where their money goes to and who they support; which are Hate Groups that pushes bigotry and murder. However, there are some parts I agree with. 

The Kiss-Ins are ridic. They were pointless and pushed more shock value than anything. Also, we need to articulate the message better. When folks are confused about why we're out there then somewhere, there's a disconnect.

This was not our best moment.


1 comment:

  1. Antione Dodson is a moron, plain and simple. He is an embarrassment to all Alabamians especially black ones because he sounds like he is "slow" and his recent actions shows. I want him to STFU and disappear because he looks a mess and sounds like one as well.
