Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Will Wonder Woman be introduced in 'Man of Steel'?

Hot Comic news/rumor! Over at Comic Book Movie, they talk about a possible cameo in the Man of Steel movie.

The guest star could be... Wonder Woman!

Here's the scoop:
According to our source part of WB's plan is to use Man Of Steel and drop hints that Superman is in a shared universe with his DC counterparts. The hints will be very subtle such as character mentions. The one character that DC is really wanting to reference is Wonder Woman. The source was unclear on if this would be to set up a solo movie for the Amazon Princess or to the Justice League, but with the info that was just posted it seems more likely to be the JLA. 
Well, well, well! Now, before I got excited, I was informed to check out another blog called, We Got This Covered, that really dug into the story. This is what they got:
In thinking this, I spoke to one of our sources that has close ties to the project and he confirmed to me that CBM is correct in that the studio is trying to find a way to reference Wonder Woman. But, our source also disputes CBM on the fact that there won’t be a cameo. From what I’m hearing, the studio isn’t opposed to doing a cameo and if the timing works out (ie: if they find a Wonder Woman and announce the casting on time), then they may be able to pull it off. So don’t rule it out just yet.
Right now though, it’s all up in the air. Nothing is concrete. Sources are never 100% and for all we know Man Of Steel may land in theatres without any references at all.
This is true. This could go unknown until the movie is out. Then we all can be super-surprised!

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