Thursday, July 12, 2012

Why is Gawker starting up some Mess by trying to find out Who gave Magic Johnson HIV?

Gawker is interesting. They are trying for dig up the person who gave Magic Jackson HIV. This odd quest follows the Frontline special about AIDS and the Black community.

Here's the key piece:
And, still, none of these women who've ever slept with Magic Johnson seemed opportunistic enough to step forward and tell their tale. Neither have the transsexual prostitutes. So once again, the story of Magic's HIV survival takes front and center over how he actually got it. That Frontline documentary will have to wait for another day.

If anyone has any more information about who gave Magic Johnson HIV, please feel free to contact us. I think we can afford to pay more money for this now. Please email me at with information. Thanks.
Really Gawker? I don't really see the point in this. If Magic told the people he was involved with and he and that person are handling their business, why is Gawker trying to stir something up? They are opening the door to foolishness and it's easy to see the drama coming.

This smell like a hot ass mess and Gawker is gladly serving it.


  1. There were stories about him being with up to six women at a time, so good luck with that Gawker. They might have better luck spotting a unicorn.

  2. My partner Morgan used to hang in a crowd that hung with Magic back in the day.

    All that shit about him getting it from a woman or transsexual is bullshit!

    Magic hung in gay clubs, particularly when he was in college. He hit on my dude who turned him down because he didn't like bottoms a foot taller than he is.

    Magic liked to get dick. And they won't find the person who gave him HIV because that person may have died from it.

