Monday, July 30, 2012

True Blood Question

Well, we got to see some Alcide sex and Sam's bum. But besides that, what did you think of last night's episode?


  1. ! to 10 I gave it a 8. I really like they way Pam is coming around to Tara.

  2. The Alcide sex was just...*Fans self* ok I'm back. I liked last night's episode. Pam and Tara's relationship is really getting interesting, and I loved watched Steve Newlin and Russell Edgington having a good kiki session during the meeting. Bill's turn the dark side was a nice twist too.

    Here are my thoughts in detail.

  3. They chickened out on the Sam-transformedgirlfriendSam kiss. She should've changed back when he planted one on the lips.
