Friday, July 13, 2012

Some Silly Black Clergy Org is still crying about NAACP's Gay Marriage Support

Some, and not a lot, of preachers are still whining about NAACP's support of gay marriage. CAAP
the Coalition of African-American Pastors, brought this up at the NAACP annual convention. Lead by this hater, Rev. William Owens, the group claims the NAACP was abandon the solid purpose of the organization.

Interesting, considering the core purpose of the org. was to fight bigotry and inequality.

Anywho, this preacher said a lot crap like:
"You're advocating for something that's not normal, that's not natural. It's still out of line, it's against moral law."

"Gay marriage is leading us down a bad path," Owens added. "Our young people are already hurt. They're already damaged."
These are, as usual, empty statements. Moral law? Child please, if you can't handle change, Rev. William Owens then go! Get the f**k out! I'm sick of these self-righteous freaks, talking about what's right and wrong.

The hatred and foolishness this group are pushing is wrong and if anything, that's against moral law too.

1 comment:

  1. When the veil was torn when Christ died all those old laws died out.
