Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Question of the Day

We have passed the halfway mark of the year. A lot has happened in 2012 and there's more to come. But my question to you is... What has been the highlight of 2012 for you, so far?


  1. Honestly, it's having a sitting President tell me, and the country, and the world, that The Gays deserve marriage equality.
    It might have been symbolic, but it was powerful.

  2. Getting my first short story published. Forge Journal July 2012 issue, check for it lol!

  3. Getting a new job in metro DC and preparing to move there next week. OMG I'm so excited!

  4. Being able to work from home, and getting a new boss who's not a micro manager. My stress level is so low compared to how it was the past two years!

  5. Yikes... that's a milestone alright... Where does the time go??

  6. To have a new job and finally coming out to my friends and family when I knew that they cared about me no matter what. That is nice.
