Monday, July 2, 2012

Question of the Day: True Blood Edition

Nothing big, but some stuff happened... What did you think of last night's episode?


  1. Finally! Alcide and Sookie got it on! Lucky Sookie!

    Also I loved the fairy night club. Looked like a lot of fun!

  2. The really good news is that there will be a season!!! I so hope Lilith will come?

  3. The really good news is that there will be a season 6 !!! I so hope Lilith will come?

  4. Good post. Really good news.

  5. Good episode. True's Blood on a roll.

    My recap:

    I just hope they don't deny us some Sookie/Alcide love scenes. Not seeing Pam and Eric was bad enough.

  6. I imagine this will FINALLY be the Season that they talk about the fact that Jason Stackhouse is part fairy too. Come on, he and Sookie have the same parents, why would she be a fairy and he isn't? In the books, his fairy blood is the reason that he is so sexually alluring and appealing to men and women. (Well from what I remember anyway.)SO they need to get on that.

    Then again they have ventured so far from the books that my argument is probably pointless.
