Friday, July 13, 2012

Maggie Gallagher wants Mike Huckabee as Romney's VP

Lord, Maggie Mess thinks that Huckabee would be a great VP for Romney. I guess that old White image is needed in the GOP.

Here is why she thinks he's a winner
Huckabee fits the bill perfectly. He not a guy to scare anyone, he's run the presidential gauntlet and been fully vetted, and while a pleasant and interesting man, he is a familiar enough figure on the national scene not to outshine Mitt Romney with novelty.

Several others on the shortlist also satisfy these minimal requirements.
But Huckabee would do something else for Romney -- something I don't think any other person can do: shore up the evangelical base of the party and ignite genuine enthusiasm for getting Romney/Huckabee to the White House.

It's not just Huckabee's style or political positions that would do this. It's the relationship of trust and love he's built with evangelicals and connections to evangelicals across the country. He is beloved. He can motivate.

And Romney needs this.
Girl, that's not good enough, try again.



  1. Romney is stuck between a rock and a very hard place! Huckabee might, and I mean MIGHT get Mittens evangelical cred, the duo would turn off far too many people because it would be seen as the pandering mess that it is.

  2. Maggie wants a Double Whopper with Cheese, actually.

  3. Am I being too much of a stereo-typical queer to ignore all the politics associated w/ Maggie for just a minute to ask the question "What the heck is up with her hair?" I've seen better looks coming out of Super Cuts. C'mon Mags, put down the flobee and get a real cut. You look like a young version of Jabba the Hut at the moment. Take a hint of pride in your appearance then maybe I can look at you and listen more closely to your ridiculous ideas.
