Saturday, July 28, 2012

James Holmes claims Amnesia

Crazy James thinks he's slick. He is claiming memory loss.
James Holmes, the suspected shooter in last week's movie theater massacre, has told his Colorado jailers he doesn't know why he's locked behind bars, the Daily News reports. 

But no one at the Arapahoe County Detention Center is buying Holmes' story, a lockup worker told the News. The jailers who come in contact with Holmes, who is sequestered from other inmates, believe he's faking amnesia.
This is pure mess. James, you did it, stop playing! You are guilty as Hell! 



  1. I'm not sure it matters whether he remembers it or not.... he still did it!

  2. Such a pathetic excuse for a human. He did it. Was awfully brave when he had guns in his hands. Now he should own it and stop being a chicken shit.

  3. Was he on the DL and didn't want mommy and daddy to know so he kills people to look tough?

  4. looks like she had a face lift.

  5. "Some men just want to see the world burn"
