Saturday, July 7, 2012

The George Zimmerman Website asks folks to give if you feel 'Mr. Zimmerman was justified in his actions'

After they raised another 100K to cover his bond, George Zimmerman fundraising site continues to plead for money, saying mess like this:

“For those who have given in the past, for those who have thought about giving, for those who feel Mr. Zimmerman was justified in his actions, for those who feel they would do the same if they were in Mr. Zimmerman's shoes, for those that think Mr. Zimmerman has been treated unfairly by the media, for those who feel Mr. Zimmerman has been falsely accused as a racist, for those who feel this case is an affront to their constitutional rights -- now is the time to show your support.”
 This site allows folks to make monthly payments to George using Paypal or a credit card. But that's not all, these funds will also help pay for his living expenses, legal fees, and etc.

That's interesting, considering how his wife was caught talking about how rich they will be because of this. I hope folks feel good about supporting a murderer. I hope they feel real good.

You can see the site here


  1. Doesn't address the fact that Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin to DEATH!

  2. This is just plain disgusting and goes to show some people are some ignorant piece s of work. Someone, a teenage boy is dead, but somehow it is more important for them to raise funds for loser.
