Friday, June 15, 2012

Who was the Asshole who heckled President Obama? Neil Munro

This is Neil Munro and he is an idiot.

He heckled Obama during his speech today, asking questions that were dumb at best.
After he embarrassed himself in front of the entire nation, he had this to say:
“I always go to the White House prepared with questions for our president. I timed the question believing the president was closing his remarks, because naturally I have no intention of interrupting the President of the United States. I know he rarely takes questions before walking away from the podium. When I asked the question as he finished his speech, he turned his back on the many reporters, and walked away while I and at least one other reporter asked questions.”
Neil, you just ruined your career, boo.


  1. The guy is obviously a slouch. Who goes to the White House and stands there like that, slouching with your hands in your pockets in a confrontational stance, tie pulled down, collar unbuttoned and rolls his eyes while your question is being answered by the President after you tried to actually talk over him? Guy's got no class and the newspaper that defended him doesn't deserve any more press passes if they can't teach their reporters how to show a modicum of respect.

  2. Wrong, his next venue will be a show on Fox News. They like racist idiots like this.
