Monday, June 25, 2012

Question of the Day

What did you think of last night's True Blood episode?


  1. I so digged Pam's story about how Eric became her maker.

    I am not feeling Tara as a vampire.

  2. Is Tara Pam's first progeny?

    The seriousness with which Eric took turning Pam contrasts sharply with the off-handedness Pam displays toward Tara. I think this is a learning experience for Pam. She's learning she can't just (as Eric put it) give birth and throw the baby in the gutter to fend for itself.

  3. I loved it. It seemed like for the first time in a long time (like season 1, 2 or early part of 3) that they pulled back the sex/gore and focused on storytelling (especially Pam and Eric's story line).

    My recap:

  4. I really like the way Pam dresses,she is sexy. I wonder if Lilith will make an appearance? even in life changes are constant and I hope Tara get over her not wanting to live as a vampire.
