Saturday, June 2, 2012

Question of the Day

Have you ever met someone and it was the best day or night you ever had?

If so, share


  1. I remember several years ago I was out on the town with some friends and while having a good time, there were guys that flirted with us all night. However, several minutes before last call, there was a guy who was quite handsome and was standing in the corner all by himself. One of my friends commented on how hot he was and they were deciding if they should go up to him. One of them dared me to approach him. I went up and introduced myself and asked him to slow dance with me which he did. In fact, we danced until the DJ played the last song. Afterwards, I asked him if he would like to go home with me and responded with yes. To say the least, it turned out to be a great evening/morning and he kept coming around for a couple of months on a daily basis and the sex just got better each time.

  2. Not yet. If so, send them my way... :-)

  3. When I finally physically met Bubb for the first time.

    I landed in Atlanta Airport on my way to Orlando. He asked me to call him when I landed there.

    By this point I had been awake for almost 36hours and was a LITTLE grumpy. I tried calling three times but it kept cutting out. ON the third time I stamped my foot and cursed. Only to look and seem him emerge from behind a coloumn with a smile on his face.

    The rest is history.

  4. July 23rd, 2009

    First official date, now the official anniversary. Going on three years now.

  5. I was told I talk to much and cheap.
