Friday, June 8, 2012

Netroots Nation: Blogging For Transgender Equality

Netroots Nation held their first Transgender panel called, "Blogging For Transgender Equality". The panel was hosted by Dr. Jillian Weiss and the panelists included
  • Jennifer L. Levi - Director of the Transgender Rights Project of Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD)
  • Autumn Sandeen - blogger at Pam's House Blend
  • Monica Roberts - blogger at TransGriot
  • Jos Truitt - blogger at Feministing
 This was an awesome panel! I gained a better understanding about the issues of our Trans fam. I want to share some of the highlights with you.
  • Trans women of color are mostly talked about when they are murdered.
  • While the media is doing a better job covering Trans issues, they could do a whole lot more.
  • In Texas, if you're trans, your gender can change by the county you're in.
  • The struggles of the trans community are far more bigger than I imagined.
  • The trans do care about other issues. They are not married to Trans issues only.
  • The Trans youth are in need of support.
  • The Trans community are impacted by reproductive health policies.
  • Trans communities of color wants to be more visible and active.
  • Are allies should not be paralyzed by the challenges of the trans community.
  • The trans community will be building leaders from within. The more leaders, the more voices out there.
  • The trans must stand together and speak out against media misrepresentation.
  • Trans people are not monolithic.
  • The jail system are not aware of the needs of the transgender inmates.
  • We could be better advocates for our Trans fam.

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