Thursday, June 7, 2012

Netroots Nation: Black Caucus

So, today was the kick off for Netroots Nation. There are hundreds of people walking the Providence Convention Center.

I visited a couple of sessions and meet some interesting people.  One of the sessions was the Black Caucus. I’ll give you some highlights
·      We discussed the priorities and how to push our agenda forward.
·      The LGBT community was credited for our ability to mobilize and gain national attention.
·      The NAACP was very present in the discussion.
·      We view the needs of the Black community very differently.
·      We still need to explain the election process to many in our community.
·      We have to be straightforward and clear in engaging voters.
·      The Black Caucus has a list of priorities, however I’m not clear on what they are or if they represent the needs of our community.
·      There have to be a solid plan to motivate voters.
·      Voter registration is a high priority.
·      To engage young voters, we must use social media.
·      To create a power movement, we must tap into the rage of our community and forward that rage into the political movement.
·      Our community needs Community PE (Political Education)
·      We need more LGBT representation in the Black Caucus.