Monday, June 11, 2012

Man pleaded Guilty for Killing a 4-Year-Old because of "Gay Behavior"

Remember a while ago when I blogged about the man who killed 4-year-old Jadon Higganbothan, because he was acting gay? Well, he pleaded guilty today.
Peter Lucas Moses, 27, pleaded guilty to two counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of Jadon Higganbothan, 4, and Antoinetta Yvonne McKoy, 28.

Their bodies were found last June buried behind a house on Ashe Street in Durham where Moses' mother, Sheilda Harris, used to live. Both had been shot in the head, according to autopsy reports. Prosecutors had planned to seek the death penalty against Moses, but they agreed to a sentence of life in prison without parole if he cooperates with investigators and testifies against other sect members. He will be sentenced after their trials.
Harris, Moses' brother, P. Leonard Moses, and his sister, Sheila Moses, are charged as accessories in McKoy's death.

Jadon's mother, Vania Sisk, and two other women who lived with Peter Moses, Larhonda Renee Smith and Lavada Quinzetta Harris, have been charged with murder in McKoy's death and as accessories in Jadon's death.

Jamiel Higganbothan said he was furious that prosecutors went ahead with the plea deal for Pete Moses after he told them he was opposed to the offer of a life sentence.

"Me and my family wanted the death penalty,” Higganbothan said, noting that he initially agreed to the deal but later told prosecutors he had changed his mind.

“I’m really not OK with it at all,” he said of Pete Moses spending his life in prison.
I want him to suffer. After what he did, he needs to suffer. Jadon never had a chance to live, learn and love. He deserved to be himself and this monster just killed him because thought he was gay.

Peter Lucas Moses, rot in prison!



  1. I remember posting about this, too, and I hope they send him away forever.
    Let him sit in prison until the day he dies, knowing every single day, what he did to put himself there.

  2. I'm glad he's being tried for this crime. And the penalty is justified in this case.

    But to kill a 4 year old because you think he's gay? That's just sick!

  3. I'm glad he's being tried and is going to be punished. He is sick. Killing a 4 year old because of suspicions of being gay. He was four for crying out loud!!!

  4. 4-years-old doesn't determine anything. Kids are fascinated by what they see and think is funny. Right now the gay thing looks funny to them, so some will try to imitate it... Which is neither here nor there in terms of some grown adults who literally spent their useful time And energy plotting to kill this little boy.

    I hope all those prison weightlifters and gang-bangers make his life in lockdown a living hell for what he did. There is no sexual 4-year-olds on their own merit.
