Monday, June 25, 2012

Is Harlem experiencing a new (Gay) Renaissance?

Harlem, NY is becoming gayer according to NY Daily News.  More LGBT people of color are finding the historic area to be supportive and welcoming. And during this pride month, folks came out in huge numbers to celebrate.

Here's more:
Harlem does not count the array of gay clubs and bars that have long been a staple of Chelsea and the West Village; there are no establishments that display a rainbow flag in the window. But the number of gay-friendly meeting places has been on the upswing.

Red Rooster Harlem, Corner Social, Lenox Lounge, Melba’s and Billie’s Black, along with Club El Morocco, Picante and others, are all regarded as part of Harlem’s gay nightlife.

Along with the state’s ratification of the Marriage Equality Act, the evolving positions of the NAACP and President Obama have fostered a growing acceptance among members of the black community.
“There is a shift that’s happening,” says Pastor Joseph Tolton, whose Rivers at Rehoboth congregation ministers to hundreds of black gay and lesbian worshippers each week.

“It’s intangible, but it’s just starting to bubble up and coming to the surface . . . you can feel it.”
I have to get back to NYC and see this 'new' Harlem. I'm excited about the direction its going.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, it is quite cute papito, just take the A train.

    BTW, my pride post is up. Better late than never??
