Thursday, June 7, 2012

In California: Fair Political Practices Commission will investigate NOM

Fred Karger is coming for NOM in a big way. He has asked the Fair Political Practices Commission to look into NOM's unreported contributions during the rise of Prop 8. The group has agreed to do the investigation.
Little-known GOP presidential candidate Fred Karger asked the commission to look into whether the National Organization for Marriage's "Yes on 8" campaign failed to report $350,400 it received nearly four years ago, including $10,000 from Romney's Alabama super PAC, "Free and Strong America."
Karger's complaint to the FPPC about $37,000 in non-monetary contributions made by the Mormon church to the gay-marriage ban campaign resulted in a $5,500 fine two years ago. 

Mormon officials agreed to pay the penalty, but denied the church hid the contributions. Instead, they said, the church had run afoul of daily reporting requirements.

"I'm two for two in California," Karger, who is the lone openly-gay GOP candidate, said in a telephone interview with The Bee's Torey Van Oot, referring to his FPPC complaint against the Mormon church.
A call and an email to the National Organization for Marriage wasn't immediately returned, but the group has said in the past that Karger has illegally put its private tax records in the public domain to press his complaints.

Karger said the documents in question are "absolutely" a part of the public domain and legal to be released.
NOM should be concerned and scared.

Read more here:

Read more here: said the documents in question are "absolutely" a part of the public domain and legal to be released.

Read more here:

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