Saturday, June 9, 2012

Former Governor Charlie Crist allegedly Paid Men to Cover Up Booty Calls

Gay Scandal news! Charlie Crist may be caught in a gay trash political scene this weekend. Apparently, he has been paying off men to stay quiet about his homosexual affiairs.

Here's the scoop from a Florida Department of Law Enforcement Investigative Report:
Chase had contacted Morgan, as Chase believed Morgan was the attorney representing Crist, to set up a time wherein Chase could depose Crist. In essence, indicated to Morgan that if he (Chase) had to take Crist's deposition, Crist was not going to like what Chase asked as it would contain embarrassing things and would be used to impeach his testimony. When Morgan inquired what embarrassing things Chase was referring to, Chase indicated that he would be forced to impeach Crist by addressing the following issues: 
1. Charlie Crist was a homosexual and had homosexual relationships with at least two men who were paid to leave the state to avoid embarrassing then Governor Crist. 
2. Governor Crist kissed or attempted to kiss Greer at a hotel in Beverly Hills, California, 
3. Governor Crist's drunken escapades, and how Governor Crist's security detail had to cover for him 
4. Governor Crist attempting to run people over while intoxicated and operating a golf cart. 
 Morgan stated that if Crist were homosexual why would he try to kiss Greer, specifically stating, '(Crist) would have to be a sick son of a bitch to try to kiss Porky the Pig' in reference to Greer. Additionally, Morgan sent Chase an email indicating that it was his opinion that Greer was using Chase to extort Charlie (Crist) with embarrassing questions. Morgan indicated in his email that these types of questions were the same thing as asking, 'when was the last time you fucked the neighbor's sheep' or 'are you still beating your wife.'
Charlie has denied these claims. But I wonder how long he will hold out?



  1. Oh... this terribly nauseating on SOOOO many levels!

  2. WOW this is sickening. I agree with Todd this is really nauseating.

  3. Charlie Crist is a big ol' whore that seems to want have his cake and eat it too. He disgusts me as a human being. As my late maternal grandma used to say, "what goes on in the dark will certainly come to the light."

  4. He's been denying his homer-sekshualness for years now and not many people are buying it.
    Well, no one's buying it!

  5. So many GOP politicians, homophobic by trade, love to deal with trade. History repeats itself again.
