Sunday, June 24, 2012

Ben Cohen will sell Underwear for his StandUp Foundation

Former Rugby star, Ben Cohen has been a great ally for us. His StandUp Foundation is geared to fight bullying, especially towards the LGBT community. But to jazz things up, Ben will launch his own underwear line to promote his foundation.

NYT reports:

Next month, he and his foundation will begin selling a line of athletic-style cotton underwear. Ads will feature him in the briefs, looking freshly muddied from the rugby pitch. 

The underwear line might not have the broad appeal of, say, Lance Armstrong’s yellow LiveStrong bracelets, but Mr. Cohen certainly has his fans. 

“I got paid to wear underwear in the first place,” Mr. Cohen said, referring to an ad campaign 10 years ago for Sloggi, a European underwear brand. It was those images, ricocheting around the Internet, that introduced him to many gay men. Other photos of him shirtless followed, and his gay fan base grew.
I think it's a smart move. He knows his audience.


  1. For godsakes Ben, come on out already, already.

  2. He really knows how to market both himself and his anti-bullying message.
    Brava Ben!
