Monday, May 14, 2012

Strange Lore Update: The Lovers - Jackson and Brandon

This is another drawing of my lead characters, Jackson and Brandon. This piece was created by Lindsay Ishihiro, a talented artist in Canada.

She really gave them so much life here. I love the way they look; Jackson is offering his heart and Brandon is willing to take it. You can also see Jackson's shadow powers as a smoky haze behind him.

When I created these characters, I wanted them to be something gay teens and adults would fall for.

Jackson is a charming country boy based from the guys I have "encountered" back home, or had major crushes on. He (and Brandon) is nothing like the gays we see on TV. In fact, I made sure they were no "Glee gays". I wanted to challenge the notion of what we think when it comes to gay youth. These guys are something different and hopefully, something exciting.

Brandon grew up in Chicago. So he's not a whiner and sulking heap of mess (no Bella). Brandon's a fighter and a nonsense guy, however he's still a kid. He drops his guard to those he trust and becomes vulnerable to the ones he deeply cares about. 

Jackson grew up in a mystical and magical world, yet he maintains a laid-back approach to things. He has learned to deal with being a supernatural being with the help of his father, Ken. Through Ken, Jackson has become a resilient young man. But if Jackson is pushed too far he could go dark. The last time that happened, people were slaughtered. So he has to keep it together, especially for Brandon's sake.

I get really excited talking about this project. I can't wait for this graphic novel to come together and I can get it out to the public. I really hope folks like it.

But before I close this post, please check out Lindsay's work and if you need some illustrated, let her know.


  1. i am soooo going to buy this when you publish it. i love stopping by your website. i think you are both brave and creative. dont stop...
