Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Rick Santorum's response to Obama's Announcement

"The announcement today by President Obama should come as no surprise to the American public.  President Obama has consistently fought against protecting the institution of marriage from radical social engineering at both the state and federal level.  The President recently opposed the North Carolina constitutional amendment and, of course, he refused to defend President Clinton's Defense of Marriage Act before the U.S. Supreme court.  The charade is now over, no doubt an attempt to galvanize his core hard left supporters in advance of the November election.

Thankfully the American public, when it has had an opportunity to consider the real world consequences of such a fundamental change to our society, has consistently voted for maintaining one man one woman marriage - the basic building block of our society.  I will continue to fight to make sure that the cultural elites don't further undermine the institution that gives the best opportunity for healthy, happy children and a just and prosperous society." 


  1. When he was a viable candidate, he had nothing intelligent to say. Why slould now be any different?

  2. His though process is rooted in a senseless timewarp!

  3. Dry up and float away Rick! Your done.
