Friday, May 4, 2012

Question of the Day

Have you hooked up with your ex?

My friend has a bad habit of doing this over and over again. It usually ends up very bad, however it still happens. But that's another story for another time.

Back to the main question... Have you found yourself back in your ex's bed, backseat, living floor...


  1. Can't say I haven't wanted to, back in the day, but the answer is No.

  2. Yes, I have. Twice (two different exes). When it happened, neither of us were in a current relationship. It was consensual with no-strings attached. It was more like filling an immediate physical need as opposed to an emotional reunion.

  3. I have not ever done this, and I am very glad to say it. I know myself, and it would just not be good for my mental state to do that. A clean break is the best.

  4. No. I have moved on and so has he. Why re-open the past that has been closed.
