Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Question of the Day

Did you agree with Ru's choice?


  1. Yeah, I would have been ok with either her or Chad. But that Phi Phi child.....someone should tell her that this isn't Showgirls. All the top four besides her, got their through talent and not shady behavior. She just showed how insecure she is in what she does. Look at the standing O Momma Latrice got and she was all love and wisdom on the show. Respect for that chick!

    Also, Vik did you know that they filmed everyone winning and it wasn't official who won until they aired it last night? How sucky was that for the final three.


  2. Did You know I posted this news in the morning and I got cursed out!

  3. Not happy. ECSTATIC. From minute 1 I was Team Sharon all the way.

  4. I was down with team Chad. :(

    BTW, the reason for Willam being kicked off was sooo anti-climatic for me.
