Saturday, May 26, 2012

Please Take the NoWedge 2012 Pledge

Black pastor and leaders have created a pledge that encourages Black people to not be a victim of NOM or any hate groups' tactics.

It's called NoWedge 2012... check it out after the jump

Thanks to  Kandake CimCiptivan for pointing this out to me.

As Black voters begin to consider the upcoming election, it is paramount that all citizens be intentional, deliberate and unwavering in our commitment to democratic principles. The current election cycle is perilous because the Black vote has not been under as great assault in generations.
Organizers are using “divide and conquer” strategies that manipulate religious sensibilities, and Black and Hispanic cultural identities to make marriage equality a defining wedge issue. The strategy of mobilizing Black voters based on the single issue of marriage equality is designed to divert attention from the real needs of Black America.

Religion and Faith: There is a great diversity in Black America on the cultural and theological understanding of sexual orientation than the media or popular culture give credence (recent polls show that African Americans are equally divided on marriage equality). We acknowledge that it was President Obama’s faith, which guided his shift in embracing marriage equality. Our community has the ability to hold different positions and not demonize what is perceived to be the “other.” In light of this complexity Black America is compelled to embrace candidates with policy positions that are holistically beneficial for our community as a family.

Marriage in Black America: The real threat to marriage in Black America is not marriage equality. The real answer to promote and sustain Black families is educational opportunities, economic development, eliminating race-based profiling, and eliminating the disproportionate rate of incarceration among Black men.

Human Rights: Interlopers are counting on provoking African Americans and gay Americans battling to determine which group has suffered and or has been marginalized more. Importantly, this discourse has its place, however not to the point of distracting us from the realities that unify us.
Organizations such as the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) are using their political and financial resources to influence the Black community by staging Black faith leaders and spokespersons in a campaign to manipulate Black voters with little accountability to our community on the issues, which matter most to the life of Black America:
  • The economy/unemployment (particularly among black men 18-24)
  • Education and childcare
  • Black men and the penal system
  • Healthcare access and racial disparities
  • The social disenfranchisement of black people
  • Social security being maintained
  • Voting rights
State legislators have passed voting ID laws in swing states that are clearly targeted at minority and elderly voters; while other legislators are attempting to remap districts based on race to dilute minority voting power. Although the Department of Justice is conducting extensive investigations on the new anti-voting laws and practices across the country, these efforts face protracted legal battles. We must proactively register, mobilize and turn out the Black vote. 

We stand together and say no to the wedge strategy, which seeks to both dismiss and divide us. 
We acknowledge that we have more in common than that which divides


  • Rev. Dr. Yvette Flunder - The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries
  • Rev. Dr. Nancy Wilson - Metropolitan Community Churches
  • Rev. Elder Darlene Garner - Metropolitan Community Churches
  • Pastor Joseph W. Tolton - The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries
  • Rev. Candy Holmes - Metropolitan Community Churches
  • Sharon Lettman-Hicks - National Black Justice Coalition
  • Rev. Cedric Harmon - Many Voices
  • Rev. Dr. Geoffrey A. Black - President, United Church of Christ
  • Rev. Nigel Pearce - Grace Congregational UCC
  • Rev. Pat Bumgardner - Metropolitan Community Churches
  • Pastor Vanessa M. Brown - Rivers At Rehoboth Church
  • Dr. Pamela R. Lightsey - Boston University School of Theology
  • Bishop James Mills
  • Rev. Dr. Alton B. Pollard, III - Howard Theological Seminary
  • Joseph Ward III Director, Believe Out Loud
  • Rev. John H. Vaughn - Auburn Theological Seminary
  • Bishop Tonyia Rawls - Unity Fellowship Church
  • Rev. Jacqui Lewis - Middle Collegiate Church
  • Rev. Patrick Alford - Rivers at Rehoboth Church
  • Rev. Andrea Vassell - Rivers at Rehoboth Church
  • Rev. Damal Edmund - Rivers at Rehoboth Church
  • Bishop Rafael De Jesus - The Affirming Pentecostal Church International
  • ArchBishop Carl Beam - Unity Fellowship of Christ Church
  • Bishop Zachary Jones - Unity Fellowship of Christ Church
  • Bishop Jacqueline Holland - Unity Fellowship of Christ Church
  • Bishop Melvin G. Talbert - United Methodist Church
  • Rev. Dr. Cari Jackson, Director - Center of Spiritual Light
  • Fabian Burrell - LGBT Faith Leaders of African Descent
  • Rev. Rev. William "Bill" Fourney-Mills - The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries
  • Rev. Melvin Poindexter-Miller - The Fort Washington Collegiate Church
  • Rev. Lorena M. Parrish - The Fort Washington Collegiate Church
  • Rev. Sofia Betancourt - Unitarian Universalist Association
  • Deacon Len Richardson - MCC/NY
  • Pastor Richard Boggs - Cathedral of the holy spirit
  • Pastor Alex Byrd - Living Faith Covenant
  • Minister Joshua Holiday
  • Rev. Dr. Rainey Cheeks - Inner Light Ministries Washington DC
  • Rev. Irene Monroe Faith in America
  • Rev. Darrick Jackson - Unitarian Universalist Association
  • Rev. Janice Steele, M.Div - Imani Community United Church of Christ
  • Waltrina Middleton - United Church of Christ
  • Bishop John Selders - Amistad United Church of Christ
  • Pastor Anthony W. Sullivan, Jr. - The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries
  • Rev. Derrick Spiva - Glide Memorial UMC
  • Rev. Gilbert H. Caldwell, Retired United Methodist Minister
  • Dr. Traci West - Drew Theological Seminary
  • Rev. Steve Andrews - The Connection Church
  • Rev. Darryl Thompson Powell - Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church
  • Pastor Troy Saunders - Victory Church
  • Rev. Dr. Sharon Ellis Davis- God Can Ministries, UCC
  • Rev. Dr. Dennis W. Wiley, Covenant Baptist United Church of Christ
  • Rev. Dr. Christine Y. Wiley - Covenant Baptist United Church of Christ
  • Rev. Alicia R. Forde - Unitarian Universalist Association
  • Mykal O. Slack - Metropolitan Community Churches
  • Rev. Gerald Palmer - Word 4 The Soul Ministries
  • Oliver W. Martin III - Conscious Contact of New York, Inc.
  • Pastor Alex D. Byrd - Living Faith Covenant Church
  • Rev Jeffrey H Jordan - Metropolitan Community Church
  • Rev. Roland Stringfellow - Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry, Pacific School of Religion
  • Rev. Dr. James A. Forbes, Jr. - Union Theological Seminary
  • Pastor James R. Darby Jr - City of Refuge
  • Daketta Marshburn - Glory to Glory Christian Church
  • Bishop Wyatt I. Greenlee Jr - The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries
  • James R Darby Jr. - City of Refuge Cleveland
  • Rev. Steve Andrews - The Connection Church
  • Pastor Troy Saunders - Victory Church
  • Rev. DR. L Rita Dixon - Presbyterian Church
  • Dominique P. Denman - Rivers at Rehoboth
  • DeWayne Davis - Metropolitan Community Churches
  • Rev. Dr. Leslie Carole Taylor - Methodist Theological School
  • Keba Green - DreamGirlz Unlimited,LLC
  • Khadijah Brown - Unified Action Coalition
  • Rev. Tara Wilkins - Community of Welcoming Congregations
  • J. Alfred Smith - Emeritus Allen Temple Baptist Church
  • Rev. Carolyn J. Mobley - First Metropolitan Community Church
  • Elder Rev. Kevin E. Taylor - Unity Fellowship Church New Brunswick
  • C. Alicia Heath-Toby - Unity Fellowship Church Rochester
  • Emilie Townes - Yale Divinity School
  • Bishop Terry Angel Mason - Fountain of Life Word Center
  • Rev. DR. L Rita Dixon - Presbyterian Church
  • Dominique P. Denman - Rivers at Rehoboth

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